SBCP working with the Voluntary Sector
SBCP was formed in 2001 and over the years we have worked closely with local organisations to support their activities but ultimately to help the residents of Slough.
By developing relationships with local groups, we have been able to identify ways in which we can help and so provide our Business members with opportunities to help make a difference in the town where they operate.
Ways of ‘giving back’ can be by physical volunteering, e-volunteering where support is given online and by the donation of product or resources.
SBCP has an Associate Membership available for those organisations which would like to join us, it is free but is a non-voting membership.
Should you be interested in working with us then please send us an email: info@sbcp.co.uk.
Voluntary organisations in Slough and neighbouring areas can apply for Associate Membership of SBCP. Associate Membership has four key attributes:
- Any Voluntary Organisation shall be entitled to be an Associate Member.
- There is no membership fee or a need for the membership to be reviewed
- The organisation can attend or speak at all General meetings but cannot vote on any matter.
- The acceptance of an organisation as an Associate member has to be approved by the Board of Directors.